85 percent of decision-makers say they have used specialist magazines within the last 12 months. This makes specialist magazines the source used by B2B Decision Maker Analysis most decision-makers. 57 percent also use the online offerings of specialist media.
Overall, the print-online combination achieved a usage rate of 91 percent. The specialist media thus reached 6.5 million B2B decision-makers. The manufacturers’ websites were used by 71 percent of those surveyed.
These are the results of a study published by the German trade press at the end of May 2010 on the information and media usage behavior of professional decision-makers in the B2B sector. The study was carried out at the beginning of the year by TNS Emnid. 7.2 million decision-makers were identified and 600 of them were surveyed representatively.
Trade magazines provide up-to-date information
Decision-makers must always be up-to-date in order bc data europe to have a say. It is necessary for them to continuously consume information about developments in the market. 65 percent of those surveyed do this via trade magazines. This is followed by the manufacturers’ websites with 56 percent. Online trade media only reach 40 percent here.
Decision-makers prefer specialist media when B2B Decision Maker Analysis it comes to general information. This is largely due to the image, as the decision-maker analysis shows. 67 percent particularly value specialist media because they pain that sells sells sells highlight new developments and trends. Only 45 percent of respondents trust the manufacturer websites to do this. The discrepancy is similar when it comes to neutral and reliable communication of information and transparency.
Establish your own specialist media
What can you do here? Offer targeted content on current developments and trends. With a good content marketing strategy, you will also gain the trust of your visitors. Users will also be encouraged to visit your website regularly. It may be worth establishing your own specialist media.
The current study “B2B Social Media in Practice” shows that topic blogs are considered important. Their use is expected to grow enormously in the B2B Decision Maker Analysis next two years. However, only 22 percent of the companies surveyed currently use topic blogs. Take advantage of this gap and establish your own topic blog before your competitors do.
The different media have different influences in the lack data individual phases of the purchasing decision process. As soon as the decision-makers enter the information phase due to an acute need, the picture changes a little. When it comes to capital goods, specialist magazines are still ahead at 59 percent. But only just. 57 percent of those surveyed also look for specific information on the manufacturer’s website.