Why should your business always come first?

Before I show you how to create the right Strategic Focus Statement for your business, I want to dispel a common misconception about business priorities.

Many books and marketing consultants promote the idea that customers always come first.

They are wrong!

Not only are they wrong, but this type of misinformation is responsible for thousands of potentially profitable businesses going out of business very quickly.

The problem is that this kind

Of information is just another thailand telegram  trendy gimmick that consultants pick up and hype. Common sense, however, tells you that your business should come first. You must create your vision before you even consider your customers.

This doesn’t mean that the customer profile won’t be part of your business strategy. Far from it… The point here is that it will only be part… not the whole point of your strategy.

If anything drives your strategy, it is your way of doing business, your vision of what would be most profitable for the business you are in. Your way of doing business drives every decision you make.

How about finally creating your Strategic Focus Statement?

  1. Okay, let’s go.  sault data Formulating a Strategic Focus is done by determining what type of business you should choose. The following list of options will help you decide:
  2. Product/service oriented business
  3. Customer-focused business
  4. Market-driven business
  5. Business focused on the type of production
  6. Business driven by marketing method
  7. Business determined by the method of distribution
Once you have defined your Strategic

Focus, you can benchmark  at times you are overcome by serious every business decision against it. You can easily decide which products, customers, industries, and geographic markets to focus on. Or, just as important, which ones not to focus on.

Okay, let’s take a closer look at each type of business and assess the impact each has on how you make decisions.

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