Millennials, with their ideals of connection and value, They emerge as and Gen X, where I come from, with its institutional skepticism and independence, have all shaped the boundaries within which Gen Z is now operating with unprecedented digital fluidity.
Gen Z stands out for its pragmatic approach and strong They emerge as commitment to social change. Unlike previous generations, these young people seek real and tangible impacts rather than chasing status symbols. This trend is also evident in the way they interact with the nonprofit sector: direct action and the quality of impact are at the center of their decisions.
Gen Z and Consumption
Raised between the late 1990s and 2012, this latvia phone number library generation stands out clearly from previous generations, influenced both by global events such as the Covid-19 pandemic and by their growth in a digital age. with 41% of individuals feeling more contemplative and vulnerable after the pandemic. They appear to demonstrate a strong propensity for activism, engaging in issues such as climate change and gender equality, seeking to bring about meaningful change to improve society and develop a sense of the future (on this, I refer you to the 2022 research developed by IPSOS ).
Their approach to consumption reflects these what is a press release? definition and guidelines values: they prefer brands that demonstrate ecological and social responsibility, and are willing to spend more on sustainable products . Although they are familiar with technology and social media, they show a preference for shopping in physical stores and value the security of their personal information positively. Authenticity is of paramount importance to them, and they prefer to see real people in advertisements. They are influenced by online reviews, with a significant 68% reading at least three reviews before making a purchase for the first time ( source ).
Gen Z and the Gift
The tendency seems to be moving towards a alb directory growing interest in volunteering and activism: the latest generation does not limit itself to giving support, but actively immerses itself in the causes it supports, showing a predisposition to direct action and participation in the activities of non-profit organizations ( source ).