What is a press release? Definition and guidelines

A press release is a written document prepared for the media—or the press—announcing something newsworthy. This 1-3 page document is distributed to the media in the hope that reporters and editors will use the information it contains in an upcoming television or radio broadcast, in a newspaper or magazine issue, or on the media outlet’s website.

Reasons for a press release

There are several situations that justify a press release, such as:

  • Company Announcement : Restructuring, expansions, relocations, new locations, strategic partnerships, and new financial backers or investors are all occasions for a press release.
  • Product Announcement : New products, new zealand email list improved products, new brands, or new retail stores carrying the product can also be announced via a press release.
  • Initiative announcement : New internal or external projects that affect the company’s community are also suitable for a press release.
  • Employee announcement : New hires and promotions also deserve a press release.
  • Honors or awards : Awards or special recognition given to a company, product, project or employee are also worthy of press release.
  • Research Results : The publication of the results of a survey or study related to the business.

The key question you should ask yourself before creating a press release is, “Who cares about this information?” As long as the answer is people who turn to the press for information, you are on the right track with your press release.

What a press release looks like

To make it clear to members of the press (i.e. reporters, two stumbling blocks in many organizations writers, and editors) that the information you are giving them is a press release for their use and not a promotional piece or letter to the editor, send it in press release format.

Here are some of the most important features of a press release:

  • In an upper corner (right or left) should be the words “Media Contact,” followed by the name, phone number, and email address of the person reporters should contact if they have questions.
  • Below that, on the left side of the page, indicate the date when the information can be released. If it’s immediately, contact lists write “For immediate release.” However, if you’re not making the announcement public until a later date, write “Embargoed until [date].”
  • In the middle or left side of the page, there should be a headline that summarizes the information in the press release. For example, it could be “Jones Promoted to COO” or “The Whoseewhatsit Named Toy of the Year.”
  • Some press releases use a subheading on the next line that provides a little more detail, but this is optional.
  • On the next line, which is the first line of your announcement, state the city and state in capital letters, as well as the date you are making the announcement. For example: “BERLIN, GERMANY – January 21, 2023.” Then begin your announcement.
  • Write in an inverted pyramid style, with the most important information in the first sentence, followed by the next most important information, and so on.
  • Twice as much space between your heels.
  • End with the symbols “###” in the middle at the end of your message.

Who you should send a press release to

  • your local business community
  • your customers
  • your prospects
  • Influencers who bring you business
  • Potential business partners
  • your suppliers
  • Other companies in your industry
  • opinion leaders in your field

Make a list of news media outlets that would potentially use the information you are sharing and send it to them. An email is fine.

A well-written press release, properly formatted and sent to the appropriate reporter, can generate thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in free publicity.

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