Some highlights from the Social Media Monitor Healthcare

In this blog I would like to share some insights and lessons learn. Comments and additions are very welcome!

Social Mia Monitor Healthcare: many healthcare organizations present on social mia
On March 24, iZovator present the first ition of the Social Mia Monitor Zorg during the Cross Care Café in collaboration with Rmax . For the first time, a healthcare-wide inventory was made of the use of social mia by healthcare organizations (579). The first ition look at the presence, popularity and activity of hospitals, mental health care, GGD, care for the disabl, home care (small institutions), nursing homes and  uruguay phone number list rehabilitation centers on Hyves, Twitter,

LinkIn, Facebook and YouTube

76% of healthcare organizations are present on social mia
Healthcare is most active on Hyves, Twitter, LinkIn
Facebook is on the rise
YouTube is us very limit
46% of healthcare organizations are active on more than 3 channels
Hospitals are the most active
Home care and GGD are lagging behind

A of healthcare organizations are active on Hyves

90% of these Hyves accounts are private; only accessible to employees
Organizations are poorly found on social mia due to inconsistent naming
Large reach on YouTube (1,300,000 views) due to ba leads limit number of settings
Lack of communication on Twitter (e.g. followers are not follow back)
The Top 10 from the Social Mia Monitor Healthcare is l by Maasstad Hospital  .  Some highlights from  make spontaneous videos  and Amerpoort . They score the highest on presence, popularity and activity.

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