Using Twitter effectively in B2B companies

Twitter was introduc to the public in March 2006 and has since been consider the most successful application for microblogging. It is a free platform for publishing short messages and is also referr to as a social network or the most public diary on the Internet.

It is a useful medium for the

Business world as it allows companies bc data singapore to stay connect with their target audience. You can quickly exchange information with your customers and B2B companies partners to gather real-time market intelligence and/or feedback and to establish connections with your customers, partners and other interest parties.

In order to use Twitter properly for your company, the Twitter platform itself does not offer all the important functions. Currently, only the basic functions of publishing tweets and retweets and creating lists can be use.

But these basic functions are no longer enough B2B companies for your company to use microblogging via Twitter effectively. Therefore, when looking for a suitable Twitter platform for your company, you should pay attention to the following criteria and advantages.

Requirements for a Twitter tool

›› Multiple Twitter accounts be manage centrally.
››Social networks or communities be integrate.
››Tweets be publishe on well. how do you know? multiple platforms at the same time.
›› Can your colleagues work on the same B2B companies Twitter account.
›› Is brand monitoring (what the target group thinks about your company) offer.
›› Can statistics be create on the tweets publish.
›› Is the “short URL” function offered.
›› Can the day/time for publishing a tweet be determined.
›› Can you display multiple lists next to each other.
›› Is the Twitter platform a browser or desktop application.

Advantages of a Twitter tool

›› Management of various Twitter channels via one account.
›› Automatic publication of tweets lack data in various channels.
›› Several colleagues can work in one account at the same time.
›› No other external tools are required.
›› Automatic creation of statistics on clicks and re-tweets.
›› Time and text savings (max. 140 characters permitted).
›› Time-controlled publication of tweets.
›› Browser application does not need to be installed.
›› Every employee can easily access the tool via the Internet.

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