Digital Natives: Adapting B2B Communication

Recent studies show that digital natives use search engines such as Google, B2B Communication Bing or Yahoo! much more frequently than older users.

Digital natives are people

Who grew up at a time when digital bc data malaysia technologies such as computers, the Internet, cell phones and MP3s were already available. In contrast, there is the digital immigrant who only got to know these things in adulthood. (Source: Wikipedia)

When using the Internet, especially search engines, B2B Communication digital natives develop important search skills and approaches to evaluating information quality . This is also essential due to the increasing flood of information and the diverse results in search engines.

57% of Google users enter 2 or more keywords per search query. 87% only look at the first results page and almost 85% spend most of their time in the top third of a results page. (Source: SirValuse/Google)

Search engine users

Quickly assess whether an entry is relevant to why are social media images important them. Therefore, search engine advertising and search engine optimization (SEO) will continue to grow in importance. The social web plays an important role in SEO. Google recently started offering Real Time Search . What counts most is the timeliness and relevance of a post to the search query.

“What is certain is that Web 2.0 applications in the social web will play an increasingly important role when it comes to the selection of information and knowledge content (…).” (Source: BMW Magazine, 1/2010)

The focus here is on the question of content marketing. B2B companies can only respond to the changing information needs and user habits of the present and future with a strategy that is based on people- and solution-centered content. Useful content must be created and communicated to specific target groups. ( B2B trend paper 2010 )

B2B companies are therefore faced with the challenge of how to align their communication with digital natives ( article from the Institute of lack data Electronic Business , PDF). And by that I mean in the medium and long term. Because these digital natives will be the target group for corporate customers and companies in the future.

Tip: You can find out more about B2B communication and social media on April 29, 2010 at the B2B advertising summit in Frankfurt .

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