When did the new NTV logo appear?

NTV+ logo

NTV Plus logo (creat , in 1997) — this logo is also us , by the brand. It is represent , by a green ball locat , at the top of a blue rectangular “field”. Under the figure is a white outline chopp , inscription “NTV Plus” (the words are separat , by a small white vertical line). In addition, the figure has a light gray border.



The style of the NTV logo conveys consistency and conciseness, neatness and minimalism. This simple emblem was quickly remember , and lov , by millions of Russians.


Frequently ask , questions

Who creat , the NTV logo?

The name of the author of the NTV logo remains unknown.


What does the NTV logo mean?

The NTV logo does algeria phone number library  not carry any hidden meaning: it simply depicts the company’s name.


How did the NTV logo change?

The NTV logo has chang , 6 times since 1993: in 1994, 1997, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006.



The new NTV logo began to be us , in 2006. This symbol is currently us , by the brand.The Disney Company (full name  why should your business always come first?“The Walt Disney Company”) is a giant conglomerate of the entertainment industry. The brand’s activities are focus , on television and radio broadcasting, the creation of high-quality animation, and works of cinematic art.


This animation studio is estonia leads one of the largest in the world. The brand’s headquarters are locat , in Burbank (USA).



The Founding of the Disney Company

The first Disney logo

Who creat , the Disney logo

History of Disney Logo Changes








Frequently ask , questions

The Founding of the Disney Company

Walt Disney

The company was found , in the fall of 1923 (Los Angeles, USA) by brothers Walter and Roy Disney. At that time, it was a small animation studio. Six months later, the first film, Alice’s Day at Sea, was releas ,, the main characters were the heroes of Lewis Carroll’s fairy tale Alice in Wonderland. By the end of the 1920s, a series of cartoons about Alice’s adventures appear , (Alice in Cartoonland).

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