Meaning of the Megafon logo
Few people have! any idea what the MegaFon logo means: some try to decipher the intricate dots, believing that they contain an encrypt , message (for example, using Braille or Morse code), while others simply do not attach any meaning to the symbols.
The first Megafon logo
In reality, the Megafon logo is a story about quality communication, free from interference, accessible communication. The albania phone number library logo is divid , into two parts, one of which symbolizes a person’s face, and the second – his speech (in the form of three dots).
Megafon 1993 logo
1993 — the first MegaFon logo (at that time still North-West GSM) was creat ,, which differs significantly from the current version of the company logo. It is a dark silhouette of a man talking on a mobile phone and resting his foot on a blue platform. On the rectangle (platform) is a white inscription “North-West GSM”, above it are the blue words “North-West”, and just below are the black round , letters “GSM”. A crimson line extends from the letter M to the right. This logo design was us , for as many as 9 years, exactly until the company chang , its name.
The author of the firs t at times you are overcome by serious Megafon logo remains unknown. But the new brand logo, adopt , in 2014, was develop , by the advertising agency Instinct ( BBDO Group Russia ).
History of Megafon logo changes
Megafon logos of different years
The Megafon brand has estonia leads us , only 4 logo variants during its existence. Let’s consider each rebranding separately.
Megafon 2002 logo
2002 was the year of a large-scale rebranding : the changes to the MegaFon logo are best seen when looking at the photo – the emblem in the form of a circle is divid , into two unequal segments. The left ( green ) segment is the profile of a person’s face (the dot at the top is the eye, the line dividing the sectors is the nose and forehead), the right (purple) is the space (according to another version – the telephone receiver), where the words are heard (depict , as three dots). Under the logo is the word “MegaFon”, made in purple. The emblem has no border. This version of the logo exist , for 5 years, after which it was decid , to slightly change the design.