90% of businessmen forget about this and go bankrupt

Why do some businesses not bring money to their owners?rbringvery little? Or do the owners always jump from “topic to topic”? On the other hand, there are those entrepreneurs who “stick” to one topic and move it for a very long time, raking in simply huge cellars of money. What is the difference? And The difference is in one simple thing…

In the client’s expectations

Well, look. You came to a restaurant that

Was given Michelin stars. What do you expect from it? Exquisite dishes, chic service, a fat bill? Most likely, that’s it.

What will happen if they b south africa telegram data south africa telegram dataring you a dish cooked God knows how, are rude and demand a tip?

It’s simple. Your expectations will not match reality.

Will you go to this restaurant again? I think only with some kind of inspection, in order to close this wretched establishment that bought Michelin.

I won’t refer to any well-known classic examples now, which only the lazy haven’t written about (like Southwest Airlines or Hertz). But you can always find these examples “under your nose”.

How? It’s simple. Just look around

You constantly encounter different situations, use some services, buy some goods.

Just by feeling, what do you feel when you buy something somewhere? What is their sault data  attitude towards you? This is very important.

The key task of business is to meet customer expectations.

Do your clients tell you ” pain that sells sells sells WOW!!!”? You’re great! No? They don’t? Do you know why?

Because what you offer them does not meet their expectations. And by the way… there is a very big nuance here. You can promise one thing in words and fulfill it, but you still will not meet their expectations. Do you want an example?

About 2 years ago I went to a hairdresser. She cut my hair perfectly, but didn’t live up to my expectations. How? It’s very simple. She didn’t smile. Not at all. I expect a hairdresser to be in a good mood, since she’s still messing around in my head. I don’t let everyone mess around in my head. And if you’re messing around, at least do it with a smile, so I don’t have any doubts that you won’t cut off my ear, for example.

This is a crude example. But I want you to understand the point. To understand how and why you need to meet customer expectations… Because it’s your money, damn it. That’s why.

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