What is an entrepreneur? Learn the essential characteristics that define him/her

Among the life ideals that many people draw for themselves, entrepreneurship is part of many of them, especially in the era of digital transformation . But what does it mean to be an entrepreneur?

There are many people who understand entrepreneurship as a sign of comfort and financial stability. Others imagine it as a feeling of achieving what seems impossible.

Whatever your point of view, one thing must be clear: entrepreneurship is not easy. But the benefits explain why so many people strive to achieve this goal.

In this post, we will help you see what an entrepreneur is, what skills are needed to do this and what types of entrepreneurs exist. Follow us!

After all, what is being an entrepreneur?

To begin our analysis with some historical basis, let south africa telegram data us look at the point of view of the Austrian economist Joseph A. Schumpeter .

In his book “Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy”, published in 1942, Schumpeter states that the entrepreneur is a visionary who sees beyond common sense and realizes this vision.

Putting your vision into practice is key to distinguishing the entrepreneur from the dreamer. After all, how many good ideas have you seen? Or better yet, how many great ideas have you had?

Without execution, an idea is just a random thought. Entrepreneurship involves generating value, which only occurs with concrete actions.

In most cases, entrepreneurs’ visions are to solve major problems that affect many people. As a result, it is possible to gain a lot of recognition, money, and power as an entrepreneur.

But the main objective is to achieve a goal, whether it is solving a problem or a way to make life easier for others.

What type of entrepreneurs make up the market?

Entrepreneurship is unique, but there discover what blogger is and how to create a free blog on google are many directions an entrepreneur can take to realize their business visions.

Now take a look at some of the most popular types of entrepreneurs on the market!

1. Social Entrepreneur

This is the type of person who has a ba leads social purpose behind his project or company. It could be a product that makes the world a more sustainable place, corrects an injustice that the public system cannot solve, or makes the population aware of an imminent collective risk.

2. Digital entrepreneur

The digital entrepreneur builds his business 100% online. This type of business has only become possible with the emergence of this market and the advances achieved by digital transformation.

Blogs, companies that sell information products and services provided online are some examples of digital projects that you will find on the web.

This type of entrepreneur needs to master digital marketing techniques like no one else, as this is the natural environment of their business.

3. Individual entrepreneur

The individual entrepreneur is a relatively new form of business that was created in Latin America to combat informal work.

Thanks to this model, independent professionals, merchants and providers of all kinds of services can legally establish a company and expand their business visions.

4. Associated worker

Some organizations house many professionals who work in a kind of partnership, not exactly as employees.

The professional joins the cooperative and produces for it. He does not carry out an operation alone, but is responsible for the work he does. This is the role of the cooperative entrepreneur.

5. Franchisor (and franchisee)

Many entrepreneurs have such a strong vision of expansion and scalability that they decide to accelerate the process through franchising.

That is, they open up the opportunity for other entrepreneurs to run new units of their business and pay a fee for doing so. This entrepreneur is called a franchisor.

The entrepreneur who is in charge of a new business unit is the franchisee. In exchange for fees and administration, he receives all the support from the franchisor to make the business work in his region.

6. Intrapreneur

Have you heard of intrapreneurship ? It’s the feeling of entrepreneurship, even when the person doesn’t run a business of their own. That’s right, you can start out as someone’s employee !

The point is: many modern organizations have realized that giving autonomy and empowering employees creates a sense of ownership. This brings superior business results, as well as leaving the employee more satisfied.

What are the differences between an entrepreneur and a businessman?

Have you ever thought that entrepreneur and businessman are the same thing? If your answer was yes, you can be sure that you are not the only one who thinks that way.

In many cases, this association is real, but the fact is that an entrepreneur is not always a businessman, and vice versa. Now we are going to show 3 basic differences between the two activities!

1. Main focus

The main goal of the entrepreneur is to keep the business healthy , that is, to make enough money and keep costs in order. Nothing wrong with that.

The entrepreneur also has this concern, but his primary focus is on realizing the vision he has for the business . This requires the ability to innovate , guide people, and lead them to realize that vision to the best of their ability.

2. Attitude towards work

The entrepreneur does not always have a positive attitude towards the company’s mission. While the financial results are correct at the end of the month, there are many entrepreneurs who do not care about:

  • quality of relationships in the work environment;
  • employee morale;
  • talent retention and development.

The entrepreneur, on the other hand, knows that good results cannot be sustained without employee commitment and a positive attitude toward the work at hand. He sees the long term and is willing to sacrifice immediate gains for the good of the company.

3. Business vision

The entrepreneur’s vision is sometimes limited to what is done at the moment and how much financial value is generated at the end of the month.

The entrepreneur understands that customer satisfaction, brand positioning and the quality of the product itself are just as important as monthly income.

Therefore, he works with an eagle eye on the company and does not miss the opportunity to explore new horizons when the opportunity arises.

Why is it worth being an entrepreneur?

There are at least 3 advantages to starting a business in your life, both personal and professional. They are:

Personal satisfaction

The pleasure of creating something from scratch and helping others do it gives a sense of purpose and personal satisfaction.

Constant learning

The life of an entrepreneur is an endless lesson, both personal and professional, in facing everyday challenges.

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