Discover what Blogger is and how to create a free blog on Google

Blogger, as its name suggests, is a platform for creating blogs. Its practicality can help small

businesses that have never done Content Marketing to get started with this strategy.

Many business owners hear that doing Digital Marketing is very important, but they forget that to

develop it, a series of actions and investments are necessary that may not fit into their budget or the

time of the work team.

For this reason, it is common for small entrepreneurs to specifically opt for Content

Marketing , since it is an economic strategy, which has as one of its main actions the creation of

articles in a blog, which in turn can be created on platforms such as Blogger.

So why is it easier and faster to have a blog on Blogger? How can you create an account on this

platform and get the most out of it to get more and better results?

Stay with us until the end of this article to find out the answers!

What is Blogger?

Blogger is a platform that allows you to create new zealand telegram data blogs and is also one of the most used options for those who are starting out with the exciting and demanding task of producing content for the web.

Blogs created on Blogger are usually hosted by Google itself, on the subdomain . Each Google account allows the creation of up to 100 blogs.

Initially, all blogs could be published on various other hosting services, but they were eventually transferred to Google’s own servers, opening up the possibility for bloggers to use both the blogspot extension and their own domain.

This means that through Blogger you can develop blogs on any topic for free, and these will be the property of Google.

In other words, you will have the possibility to create a personal blog , in which you can talk about various topics, up to a corporate blog, with articles that focus on the segment in which your company operates.

Blogger has been growing in popularity. And to help you understand how this platform has evolved, how about we talk about its origins? Stay tuned!

When did Blogger emerge?

On August 23, 1999, Blogger was discover the 51 best wordpress themes to implement on your blog! launched by Pyra Labs and went down in history as one of the first blogging tools, helping to popularize the format and give rise to most of the CMS systems on the market today.

In February 2003, Blogger was acquired by Google. The acquisition allowed Pyra to launch features that were charged for, such as blog creation for free. In October 2004, Pyra Labs co-founder Evan Williams left Google.

In the same year, Google bought Picasa and its entire photo-sharing utility, allowing users to post images on their blogs and in their respective posts.

Later, many people interested in creating a personal or professional blog migrated to Blogger, as it offered more and more resources.

In May 2007, Blogger switched completely to servers operated by Google, and that year it ranked 16th on the list of the top 50 domains in terms of number of unique visitors.

What are the main advantages of Blogger?

As you can see, this platform has ba leads different potentials and is very practical. Therefore, betting on it translates into various benefits, such as:

Creating a blog in minutes

To create a blog on Blogger, you just need to have a Google or Gmail account. From there, in just a few clicks you can choose the name, URL , template, and more.

This is one of the reasons why many users prefer it over WordPress.

Although this is the recommended platform for creating professional blogs, it is less intuitive and fast, and also requires having your own domain and servers, as well as knowledge of web design .

Server and domain included

To create a blog in WordPress, in addition to having a server and domain, it is necessary to make one communicate with the other.

That is, whoever buys both separately needs to configure the DNS so that all the blog content is displayed through the domain.

In the case of Blogger, both are included. The domain is offered by Blogger and the server is owned by Google itself.

Of course, for that, there are terms of use that you need to follow when publishing content on a blog on the platform.

Connection with Adsense

Google Adsense offers you the opportunity to monetize your blog through Google ads that can be integrated into various spaces:

  • header,
  • footer,
  • sidebar
  • or even within the content.

While other CMSs require you to do this embedding yourself from the HTML code, Blogger does it automatically.

Comment Management

Blogger also offers the option to manage comments so that you can moderate them, as well as limit who can comment, if you prefer.

How to create a blog using Blogger?

Let’s go step by step on how to create a blog on Blogger:

  1. Go to and click on “create your blog” to log in to Blogger using your Google or Gmail account.
  2. Choose your profile name, then click “continue to Blogger.”
  3. Read the terms of use and go to “create new blog”.
  4. Choose the name of the blog, the URL, the theme (the only one of the three that can be modified later) and click on “create a blog”.
  5. If you want to buy your own domain, Google Domains offers this option. Otherwise, just click “no, thanks.”
  6. Done! At this point, the blog is already created and you just have to access “new post” to publish the first content.

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