When did the new Megafon logo appear?

2007 — the company symbol looks the same as before, only its graphic part is outlin , with a white border. In addition, the logo becomes more voluminous, highlights are add , to the color , parts. Otherwise, the design of the corporate sign is preserv ,. The company has been using this logo for 7 years.


Megafon 2014 logo

2014 — Megafon logo — a combination of two main elements: the emblem consists of a drawing (a schematic profile of a person speaking and his “speech”) and the word-name of the company “MegaFon”, written afghanistan phone number library  in a round , chopp , font . The composition is made in green . In general, the design of the logo becomes simpler, gets rid of unnecessary elements. This version of the logo is currently us , by the company.



The Megafon logo is creative and unusual in that it conveys a whole motto through simple geometric shapes . The company does everything possible to ensure that users not only communicate smoothly, but also always stay in touch. And the unique and thoughtful design of the brand adds attractiveness to the brand.


Frequently ask , questions

Who came up with the Megafon logo?

The new Megafon logo was develop , by the advertising agency Instinct (BBDO Group Russia).



The new Megafon logo 15 best wordpress plugins for sidebars and widgets  was adopt , in 2014. It is currently us , by the brand.


What does the Megafon estonia leads logo look like?

The Megafon logo consists of the company name and a symbol (a profile of a person’s face and a telephone receiver). The sign is made in green.

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