What types of content can a creator make?

The possibilities are endless when it comes to the types of content a creator can make, especially thanks to artificial intelligence (AI). But the most common are blog posts, podcasts, or a mix of videos, photos, and graphics on social media.

The medium or type really depends on the creator, audience, platform, and even the subject matter.

For example, if you’re a “gamer” who wants to showcase a new video game, your audience will likely want to see what it looks like.

They’ll want to see the graphics in action and hear feedback on what it’s like navigating and playing. Video is best suited to meet these needs.

With 10.8 followers, streamer KaiCenat posts videos like this frequently on Twitch.



But of course, Twitch is not the best platform for everyone.

Where do content creators post their content?

Statistically speaking, Epidemic Sound found TikTok to be the top platform for generating income among creators, followed by YouTube. (However, that may change with the looming TikTok ban in the United States.)

Otherwise, what platform works for you depends on your brand and audience.

Here are some of the most popular by creator type:

  • Podcasters: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, TuneIn, Google Podcasts, SoundCloud, YouTube
  • Vloggers: YouTube, TikTok, Twitch
  • Bloggers/Writers: Personal websites, Substack, Medium, Patreon
  • UGC Creators: Instagram, TikTok, YouTube (but honestly, wherever the brand takes them)
  • Social Media Influencers: Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, LTK

Consider our gamer example again. Gamers typically share things like gameplay, reviews, and hacks. Knowing this, streaming on Twitch or posting videos to YouTube makes more sense than Instagram or a podcast.

On the other hand, fashion bloggers like cambodia telegram data Smita Patel are more likely turning to Instagram and an LTK page to enable their followers to shop more easily.




How to Become a Content Creator (with No Experience)

Truth #2: Like all good things, becoming a skilled content creator will not happen overnight, and many people will never get there.

Becoming a content creator requires boundless dedication and, in an algorithm-driven world, sometimes a bit of luck. But with these steps, you’ll certainly put your best foot forward in achieving your goals even without experience.

Regardless of the specifics, here are some foundational steps to becoming a truly successful content creator.

1. Uncover your niche and audience.

If you’re considering becoming a content creaor, you likely already know the topics you want to discuss or the audience you want to reach.

Maybe you have a background as a social media manager and want to share tips with small businesses and entrepreneurs. Or perhaps you paid off a ton of debt and want to share your personal finance tips with new college grads.

Creator Christine Buzan started her when did the new ntv logo appear? career in print media and marketing, assisting on fashion photoshoots. Today, she teaches nearly 800k Instagram followers how to pose and look their best in photographs.

Whatever you choose, all your content should align with this niche or position. But don’t feel pressure to settle into a niche right away.

“The process of discovering the text services niche that aligns perfectly with your unique style and personality is a key to success as a content creator,” echoes creator Kyle Hamm-Martin, known as “Millennial Kyle,” online. “That’s where the real excitement begins!”

“For me, creating nostalgic videos inspired by the 90s and 2000s lets me relive the magic of my own childhood while bringing back cherished memories from that unforgettable era.”

Content creator Vanessa Lau encourages newcomers to experiment to find their brand.

“If you are just starting out, I would say that experimenting with a broader niche and broader audience is going to help you accelerate the journey of finding that niche over time,” she shared on her YouTube channel.

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