Blendee ID and Identity Resolution: A Benefit for Publishers?

As the deadline for the definitive elimination of third-party cookies has moved a little further away, companies, publishers, media companies and operators in the martech and adtech sector continue their search for models and solutions that enable effective profiling activities and the consequent personalization of the user’s customer experience , while fully respecting their privacy.

Among the different perspectives that are opening up today, that relating to the use of identity resolution processes occupies a central place.

We have already covered the issue sweden phone number data of identity resolution several times in our feature articles, assessing its benefits, particularly from the perspective of marketers and advertisers.

It is time to approach the subject from another point of view, that of the publishers, but first let us take a little step back.

Identity Resolution: What is it and why is it so important?

The term ”  identity resolution  ” defines the process by which it is possible to know and recognize each user and customer in real time, thanks to the convergence and resolution, in a single identifier, of the different identifiers assigned throughout the customer journey.

As can be easily deduced, the objective your subscribers informed about product updates of an identity resolution process is to create a complete and univocal profile of each person interacting with a brand in the different touchpoints, in order to allow the performance of activities to personalize the customer experience.

At the base of an identity resolution process is the identity graph , a real graph in which the different identifiers are collected and related.
>Once correlated, these identifiers allow to create a complete profile of the person (unified view of the customer), by means of probabilistic or deterministic models.

Identity Resolution for Publishers: Addressing Addressability Challenges

Unified customer views, more efficient cob directory personalization activities. Better profiled audiences, real-time user recognition: an identity resolution process also offers significant benefits for publishers .

If identity resolution is the most effective way for marketers and advertisers to. Profile their audience and engage their users, the same is true for publishers.

Let’s imagine a publisher that owns a network of . Webzines and blogs dedicated to different topics, ranging from fitness and sports to travel and leisure. The use of identity resolution processes is preparatory to the creation of. Profiled target audiences, thanks to the possibility of knowing and recognizing users, even from one site to another .
A better profiled and more interested audience is undoubtedly more interesting for advertisers.

Identity resolution therefore represents a concrete response to the challenge of addressability that increasingly affects publishers.

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