Portuguese September 15th

March 31st was the final date for many things, including the end of free access to the 5G network.

If you were already thinking about purchasing the plan to maintain access to the fifth generation network, “thank” the operators for this “freebie”.

Is free 5G over? MEO, NOS and Vodafone are offering it until September

Free 5G for Portuguese citizens until September 15th

5G is already a reality in Portugal. 2022 will go down in communications history as the year of the commercial launch of the 5G network, despite all the “slowness”.

According to the information, 5G will be free for the Portuguese until September 15.

It should be remembered that Shandong Mobile Number List Deco Proteste stated that 5G is in the initial phase of implementation, with coverage still limited, so there is little point in charging more to grant access to the technology.


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According to Deco Proteste

In the case of MEO’s mobile phone Algeria Phone Number List tariffs, only post-paid tariffs are included in this situation. The three operators have chosen to charge an additional amount for 5G in the most used (and cheapest) tariffs . Something that did not happen with the previous technologies.


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