Learning and discovery

At this stage, prospects may not know they have a problem or need, making contact with them much more difficult, but not impossible.

Contacts found in this step can be:

  • Subscribers (readers of a newsletter );
  • Leads who downloaded a top-of-funnel piece of material (an ebook, infographic, webinar, spreadsheet, or any other format).

In my experience, contacting subscribers is a very rare and somewhat delicate thing. I only had one client, in 2 years of experience at Rock Content, who did this test. ( Spoiler alert: it worked very well! )

This is due to the fact that most of the time we only have the prospect’s name and email. We don’t know, for example, what segment they work in, what material they were interested in, etc.

On the other hand, those who downloaded a top-of-the-funnel material, for example, can already provide us with more information that will help us when contacting them learning and discovery.

My advice is:

Has your sales team reached out to all the leads who asked to speak with you? Have you reached out to the leads who downloaded your company materials (bottom of the funnel)? Have you reached out to everyone in the consideration stage (middle of the funnel)? And you still have “time left over”?

So, try it

Insert the “phone” field into a top-of-funnel landing page and call some contacts. After all, they gave you their phone number. They may not be that close to the purchasing decision, but the test may surprise you.

(Tip: Always use a consultative approach and remember, the contact is not about you, it’s about your prospect’s pain.)

Have you already called your leads who downloaded your top-of-funnel materials? Do you think it makes sense to get in touch with a subscriber?

Try again

If you have the prospect’s corporate email, it is possible to find it on Linkedin and approach them via message or email before calling them , for example learning and discovery.

Or, if it’s a really good lead and you’re confident, you can try to find the company’s website and phone number there.

Is it a risky test? Yes it is.

The lead may not open for you? Yes, it can happen.

The most important thing in all of this is that you learn from testing .

If you’re getting a negative response with these approaches, take a step back. Write down the main objections, understand if it’s something that can be improved when talking to your leads, or if it’s really not worth your company’s time to invest effort into it.

Problem recognition

At this stage, the consumer has already usa student data done some research on the topic at hand and recognizes that they have a problem or an opportunity.

I see companies every day focused on capturing leads that asked to receive contact, and that is more than correct. But it is that old story learning and discovery:

Has your sales team already called everyone who asked to speak with you? Has it already called everyone who downloaded materials about your company (bottom of the funnel)? Is there time left? Then give it a try.

The companies I did this test with, without exception, had positive experiences.

Of the two, one: either they achieved business opportunities, or they learned a lot about the behavior of their consumers .

As in all stages, selling must be consultative.

Now that you know what material the consumer has downloaded, it’s time to use it to your advantage: ask them why they downloaded it, try to find out their main pain point, and work on that to take your next step.

Consideration of the solution

This is the ideal time to create a sense of urgency so that the consumer does not put off solving the problem later learning and discovery.

That is, this is someone who has already top 15 best indian products to sell online in 2025 understood that they have a problem that can be solved, and even better: that there is a possibility that it can be solved by you! I don’t need to tell you how valuable this lead is, do I?

My advice is:

Have you spoken to everyone who asked to buy from you and everyone who has had any kind of contact with your company? Did they do a trial/raise their hand?

Call them.

That connection should also focus on the lead’s pain, but your advantage here is: you already know what the pain is and what he’s looking for to solve it, so your job becomes much easier.

Purchase decision

At the end of the process, the long-awaited moment finally arrives: the lead now knows how to solve their problem and now knows that you offer a possible solution.

Of the two, one:

He’s going to raise his hand and ask to speak to you.


You are about to download a material:

  • About your company;
  • A comparison of your company and the competition.

In the first case, it is obvious but does not cost much to reinforce: call as quickly as possible and always prioritize those people .

In the second case, it is also very important that you call, even if the lead has not yet asked to speak to you, he has already traveled a long journey to be wasted. And, in addition, he already has the name of your company in his head.

You can contact him without fear (obviously, after making an approach strategy) and go towards the hug.

Bonus tip: If you don’t have a sales pitch yet, this may help learning and discovery!


In the end, ideal lead outreach comes down to how many leads your sales team can work with and how bold you’re willing to be in testing .

Therefore, we can say that there is no ideal time to capture leads, as it is possible to do this work at practically all stages of the purchasing journey b2c fax . However, there are better times for the salesperson to work.

Contact with “hand raisers” should be prioritized, that much everyone already knows. Business owners should always prioritize the people they are asking to buy, and that will (probably) never change.

But if you are “missing” contacts at the decision stage, or have “extra” time in your sales team’s routine… It costs nothing to call them, learn from them, and possibly surprise yourself!

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