Learn 6 examples of group dynamics to improve the work environment in your company

Managing a team well requires that coordinators and HR professionals know a few tricks. One of

them is group dynamics, an activity capable of integrating employees and developing new

perspectives and skills, in accordance with the needs and objectives of the company.

Regardless of the size of the company, every manager must be very careful and skillful in working

with employees, after all, he must create a comfortable environment with an excellent organizational

climate , where people feel motivated and comfortable to give their best.

The use of group dynamics has become common and has proven to be very effective in this task,

causing more and more people to adopt this idea and apply different exercises within the company.

Do you want to learn more about group dynamics?

Keep reading!

  • What are group dynamics and what are their benefits?
  • What are the most common group dynamics?

What are group dynamics and what are their benefits?

Group dynamics are activities that can poland telegram data improve collaboration and commitment of people in different contexts.

When we think about the application of this strategy in companies, it is common to obtain incredible results that include the improvement of employee skills, greater commitment among them, greater proactivity , productivity and commitment.

Even considering the benefits of these activities in the corporate sphere, we undoubtedly find the strengthening of ties between employees, who come to have an even greater sense of team spirit.

With these types of activities, it is possible to understand what are the most outstanding characteristics of each individual in your team.

This allows you to discover which of these people have the necessary skills for different roles, identifying which tasks are best suited for those competencies.

What are the most common group dynamics?

There are several types of group what is newsjacking and how can you apply it? dynamics that can be applied in companies. Each one involves specific strategies, in which the different areas and needs of employees and the company are worked on.

To choose the best type of dynamic for your case, evaluate what your objectives are for the activity, what do you hope to develop? And, from that, calmly choose which of the following options is most appropriate:

1. Desert Island Dynamics

This is a simple and very common ba leads exercise among human resources sectors. In this dynamic, it is necessary to apply a short questionnaire to the participants, asking them to answer 3 simple questions:

  • Suppose you are stranded on a desert island, which companion would you like to be with?
  • Assuming you won a trip with 3 companions, who from the group would you choose?
  • Assuming you need to organize an event, which colleague would you choose to share this task with?

It is important to guide employees so that the answers do not only contain the names of colleagues, but also a justification. Each person will fill out their card without identifying themselves.

Once completed, the questionnaires must be placed in an envelope. The coordinator of the dynamic will ask everyone to sit in a circle and present their justifications for the choices, without mentioning the names of the chosen colleagues.

2. Challenge dynamics

As its name indicates, this dynamic is capable of presenting to the group of employees the importance of facing new challenges and motivating them to seek these opportunities , seeking to improve themselves daily.

Inside that box are the rules of the game. These rules are nothing more than the challenges that employees must complete.

3. Handshake dynamics

 In it, employees can identify that they can actually be more productive and strategic when they unite their skills with colleagues and commit to working more closely.

This is a very quick and easy exercise. To begin, gather the group in a room and ask everyone to form a circle holding hands.

After that, it’s time to ask the team to disperse, walk around the room, talk, and distract themselves. Then, place a large, colored cardboard on the floor of the room, right in the center of the space, and ask everyone to stand on or around this material.

4. Balloon dynamics

Very suitable for younger teams, this group dynamic helps develop healthy competitiveness and teamwork , making it possible to define defense and attack strategies, considering the collaboration of everyone.

The first step to put this strategy into practice is to separate 2 teams, preferably by different colors. Each participant in the dynamic will receive 2 balloons and a string to tie them around their waist.

After this part, each of them must try to pop, with their hands, the largest number of the opposing team’s balloons, while defending their own. The team that first popped all of the opposing team’s balloons wins.

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