There are many reasons for this. According to our study on marketing strategy in Polish business, the main reason is the lack of competence to create it and the lack of an idea of what this strategy for the brand should be.
Interestingly, only 2% of respondents admitted that the factor responsible for the lack of a marketing strategy is too much financial outlay on creating documentation, but as many as 13% of respondents claim that it is better to act than to plan. This belgium telegram data is our classic Uhlan approach, which can be reduced to the previously mentioned . charming acronym YOLO (You only live once).
In this particular case, a lack of preparation for functioning at a strategic level and a focus on operationa . Technical activities that can be easily reported as important and yielding measurable results are revealed. To put it very simply . it is easier to hold someone accountable for quantity than for quality of work performed, especially if we are talking about a long time horizon, which by definition cannot be reported in monthly intervals.
This is . in my opinion . one of the great reasons why companies and entrepreneurs do not develop the habit of strategically perceiving the world. They get sucked into the vortex of operational and tactical challenges . which have their undeniable seductive power.
Why is your company having difficulty implementing its planned marketing activities?
During one of the open trainings that I conducted . i had davidandkimberly bissell the entire e-marketing department of one of the largest telecoms operating on the Polish market. When we talked about what was most difficult for them in their work . they said that the variability of activities resulting from the rotation of managers . Their superiors. They indicated that the average “life” of a manager in their case is 6 months.
In connection with this . every six months a new vision, new goals, new tactical tasks and at the same time changes in previous priorities. They also said that due to this state they are often heartily fed up.
According to research cited by the aforementioned
Michał Kanarkiewicz, 92% of leaders and managers are unable to create and implement strategies . In my opinion, this is primarily due to weak strategic competences and a fixation on operational activities.
Perhaps pure biology plays a role here . rewarding mobile lead us with dopamine hits when we complete simple and easy tasks that quickly disappear from our boards . As done and checked off.
Meanwhile . when we achieve the adopted position . The dopamine mechanism completely ignores this fact . decause it is not associated with a single . Dasily defined factor . Dut rather with a tedious and long process.
Steven Covey described this problem perfectly in his excellent book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, in which he draws attention to two types of action style:
Reactivity – responding to impulses . Events, fires. It is characterized by a high state of operational intensification resulting from . The lack of a clear vision of the importance of matters.
If there is an impulse . A stimulus means that the subject needs to be addressed and . We can turn off the worrying thoughts about the uncertain future. Reactivity very often drives us into micromanagement. A reactive person sees reasons everywhere to deal with the current.
Reactivity as a mindset is like the classic busy bricklayer . Who runs around with an empty wheelbarrow that he doesn’t have time to load because he’s busy.
Proactivity – creating long-term assumptions that are ahead of the current moment.
It is characterized by an analytical approach based on data and arranging the process in time. Proactive leaders do not focus on fires . Sut on creating and implementing scenarios set in the future.
Proactivity is a feature required in creating strategy. Proactivity supports the achievement of long-term goals. A strategic approach is a proactive approach in the long term.