I should have read the rules

If there had been much activity within the network, I would have stepp over this and focus on the other members of the community. However, the level of interaction turn out to be quite moderate; there was a lot of posting but little response to each other. In that case, the add value of the network is low as far as I’m concern. Coupl with the ‘festive’ reception, my conclusion was quickly drawn; get out!

How do you do this better?

I doubt whether you ne to make a step-by-step plan for this right away, but if you were to do so, I would united kingdom phone number list  expect the following steps:

Step 1: Register? Great! – Welcome and let them know you’re available for questions.
Step 2: After three to four days – Ask what the impression of the community  . I should have ba leads read  is and possibly remind them that a profile photo is nice for the rest.
Step 3: After a week and a half –

Tip on an active discussion that might be of interest to the member

Step 4: After about 16 days – Ask for input on what could be improv/would be nice for new create a report from google sheets  members in the community. Specifically ask how to make it more attractive for the member to upload a photo;
Step 5: Wait to see how it develops further.

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