How to Make Money on a Blog?

I am a huge fan of marketing using a blog. A blog is one of the most important business tools in the arsenal of an effective marketer. Making money with a blog is easy when you know how to do it. You don’t even have to have a lot of traffic to make money with a blog. You do have to have a specific idea for it.

So where do you start to make your blog an effective tool for making money and monetizing your published content?

To monetize a blog, first of all you need to remember the marketing pyramid of success,  the basis of which is knowledge about the readers, their needs, desires and values.


You also need to have knowledge of new uk telegram data  media, the specifics of which will dictate the form of our publications. You will also need knowledge of the marketing tools that we will use during our blogging adventure. So it sounds like a truism, but knowledge is the foundation.

The middle level in our pyramid of marketing success will be the marketing strategy , which will determine the audience and the thematic scope in which we will move, as well as the most important phrases that we will skillfully weave into the content of our message – it will indicate the style in which we will write.

The strategy will also determine what marketing katie koch director, business & financial operations  channels we will use to aggregate readers to our blog.

In addition, the strategy will define the goals that the blog must achieve ( I described what the strategy is and what it consists of here – link ).

Once we have developed the basic and intermediate levels of our marketing success pyramid, only then do we sit down to create content, which will have to be consistent with the strategic assumptions.

You also need to be aware that in order to start earning money on your blog, you will also need to conduct activities based on financial resources. Especially now, when organic reach on Facebook is tending to be limited. In other words: before we monetize anything, we first spend a few coins.

So how do you monetize your blog?

The most important issue of effective monetization of blog content is the connection of the content we create with the offer we make to our readers. In this case, it is worth using proven copywriting formulas and , which create a bridge between the problems of readers and the solutions that are in our offer.

Another very good idea leading to blog monetization are banner ads from Google’s Adsense advertising network placed on mobile lead  the blog. With the proviso that for this to have any noticeable impact, the blog traffic must be really big (most niche blogs won’t make money on this).

However, if we don’t have a lot of traffic on our blog, that doesn’t mean we can’t place banner ads. You’ll see a few on our blog. They promote us as people who create strong brands by providing consulting services. They are the same banners we use in remarketing ads to our readers. Another banner is the partner’s banner that provides us with hosting (this is also a form of monetization, thanks to which we don’t pay for the server) and another banner of ours that directs traffic to the services we are currently promoting.

Is this enough for the blog to make money?

Of course, it is not enough on its own, because the elements indicated are only tools supporting the sales process. What counts is the entire marketing ecosystem that we have created and whose gears cooperate with each other. Nevertheless, these are important elements that build awareness of possible solutions.

How much traffic do you need to monetize a blog?

Of course, it depends on many elements. However, a very important factor is the quality of the published content. It sounds like a cliché, because  everyone says: “share valuable content.” Unfortunately, this cliché is also a paradigm, or a prerequisite.

High-quality, specialized content in narrow niches may have very little traffic, and yet produce very good results in the form of placed orders that earn big money.

Our blog records several thousand views per month. Compared to, for example, very popular parenting blogs, this sounds very modest. However, this does not mean modest effects. Every month, our blog content helps provide us with specific queries that we convert to clients of our company. I write ours because it is a team effort. My authorial contribution is one thing, and editing and proofreading the text is the work of my wonderful wife Karolina.

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