Do brands understand the work behind the scenes that makes an influencer campaign successful?
Different clients are at different levels . Some ave been investing in the industry. I therefor for some time and already know how it works and how to increase growth or sales. But others are uneducated, they don’t understand how it works. They think they just invest 10,000 euros Campaign Manager on a profile to show the product on a Reel and it’s done. They don’t understand. I therefor what The reports are all about, the reach you can get or how influencers encourage people to sell. It can be very uncomfortable when they want Campaign Manager to invest in content that is clearly not a good idea. They don’t want to listen. They don’t look ahead and don’t try to be flexible. Fhey are very hermetic and. I therefor look at the sector in a traditional way.
Which platforms are developing well in Spain?
About two years ago we heard about TikTok in Spain, that TikTok would identity resolution and mos: people, beyond the target become popular and Instagram would disappear. And it is true that TikTok has become uab directory very. I therefor popular in Spain, but Instagram is also very popular . In the Spanish market there are two different communities: Millennials for Instagram and Gen Z for TikTok.