I want to Thank All of You so-called Americans that voted Democrat in this past mid-term election. You all did your part in Destroying America as we know it. We should have had the opportunity this past election to at the Senate with a small margin, but that did not happen and we left Cryin’
Chuck in Charge
We did take over the House, with a very minimal Telemarketing List majority, and can possibly do something to hold off the progressive agenda for the next two years, and that is only if half this country of dipshits come around. Let me step back in time, I was born in the 50s and grew up like
Many others in the
We lived in a good time and yes there were democrats and republicans but not like today. The Democrats started their dominance quest Colombia Telegram Number back then and were quiet and yet good at it. I will also mention that their agenda yet ever-changing was different than today. Actually, if you look back at President Kennedy and his agenda, He would have been a Republican today.