Does personal branding help monetize a blog?

Absolutely. A personal brand is one of the most important elements that create a reason to believe. A personal brand is also the symbol that focuses the reader’s attention on itself.

The strongest blogs are those with strong personal brands, to which readers return when they want to learn about possible solutions to the problems they face.

The stronger the author’s personal brand, the greater the power of persuasion. The higher the power of persuasion, the more leads he gets. The  usa telegram data  more leads, the more interesting projects. An interesting project also equals good remuneration.

At some point, an author with a strong personal brand becomes synonymous with the phrases they describe and discuss, for example: Jeo Pullizie = Content marketing , Paweł Tkaczyk = Storytelling , Przemek Pająk = Technology. This phenomenon is called phrase appropriation.

My goal is to appropriate the phrase marketing strategy . If you can become synonymous with such a phrase during your blogging journey, you will be among the elite in terms of monetization. This works not only for bloggers and personal brands, business brands also appropriate their phrases, e.g.: Google = search, Siemens = innovation, Volvo = safety, etc.

But for that to happen, you have to start with the marketing pyramid of success that I described at the beginning. That’s why this pyramid is so marykate krueger  important, because it allows you to think about these things in advance, so that we avoid the mistakes that come from chaotic actions. Less chaos means less wasted time and less wasted resources.

Want to Monetize Your Blog? Trigger Your Reader’s Senses

Another factor that makes our blog stand out is the multi-sensory nature of the formats used. If possible, enrich your blog with audio and video content. Let your readers hear your voice and see what you look like. You then become more mobile lead  than just the author of the text. Such a hybrid of different formats allows the reader to remember the author and build a stronger image in the reader’s mind.

If you want to see how you can create blog content based on the above tips,  check out this article . It is about 5,000 words in text, but also includes about 18 minutes of video content that I recorded to reinforce the message and diversify the form. The article has generated almost 37,000 views to date, which is more than satisfactory for a niche topic. As you can imagine, it has also brought a lot of new business to my company.

Don’t be afraid of long forms – to monetize your blog, the content must be “concise”.

I really enjoy writing long articles. First of all, I like writing and I enjoy the state of concentration that accompanies the creative process. Secondly, a blog, unlike, for example, social media posts, is an ideal place for long content.

The long form of the article has many advantages: from a psychological perspective, it has a huge persuasive effect. If you are able to write long, meaty articles, it is clear to the reader that you have knowledge on the subject.

Long-form content also has a lot of room to “softly” infuse content with the right phrases. Long-form content allows for a full development of thought, so you have the opportunity to approach the topic in depth. In other words, long-form content is sexy when it’s well-written.

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