Discover the competency of a successful sales team

Defining the profile of a successful salesperson or sales manager and reaching collective agreement on it is almost impossible. After all, there are many variables that make a salesperson successful. Of course, individual talents play a role. But in addition, every salesperson needs one very important competence.

We previously wrote a few blogs about cold calling Discover the competency and generating more sales . In them, we explain how to prepare for a conversation and which conversation techniques you can apply. In this blog, we zoom in on two core competencies that every salesperson or sales employee must have: dealing with resistance and empathy.

Now that we in sales land are slowly concluding that B2B and B2C are being overtaken by H2H (Human2Human), these competencies are becoming increasingly important for every sales team.

A successful sales team must be able to deal with resistance

Of course, it is quite logical to lebanon phone number library think that Sales must be able to deal with resistance. But Sales must be made of the right stuff to be able to handle that in terms of character. After all, you must be able to take it well. Not be discouraged quickly.

A successful sales team must have empathy Discover the competency

In addition, it is important that this self-confidence, or call it high create a photo album with strikingly self-esteem, does not turn into a false ego. Then you run the risk that your salesperson/Sales is not ‘warm’ enough. Does not have the antennae to intervene on an emotional level.

What we see in our Sales who stand out from the crowd is that they have a well-formed and authentic empathy . Empathy… what are we actually talking about? There are several definitions online:

  • The ability to imagine what it would be like to be someone else or to be in a different situation
  • The gift of empathy
  • Empathy

Compare it to a good actor Discover the competency

Do you know that? You’ve seen a movie and you think: ”That guy must be such a creep in real life, otherwise you could never play a role that well”. A week later you see an interview with him online and then he’s the nicest guy you can imagine. You had a completely different experience of that person. That actor managed to do that to you.

It’s the same with Sales. Certainly in IT or other innovative sectors. Developments follow each other in rapid succession. The business has different needs and IT has to bosnia and herzegovina leads respond to them differently. The technology is supposedly becoming simpler, but the literal technology behind it is not. Certainly not if you have to explain it to someone who doesn’t know anything about it. Let alone that you, as Sales, sit at the table with a technical expert who asks everything about the bits and bytes. In short: a salesperson/Sales has to wear quite a few hats in the daily tasks and dialogues.

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