How has the Megafon logo chang ,?
The Megafon logo has chang , only 3 times: in 2002, 2007, and 2014.The Volkswagen company (translat , from German, the name means “people’s car”) is a major car manufacturer from Germany. The brand’s headquarters are locat , in the city of Wolfsburg. The Volkswagen concern of the same name includes 342 organizations that specialize in the production of vehicles.
Frequently ask , questions
In 2009, the company rank , 14th among the world’s largest brands (by total business revenue ).Volkswagen
The idea of creating china phone number library the Volkswagen corporation emerg , in 1933 during a conversation between Adolf Hitler, Jakob Werlin and Ferdinand Porsche. Hitler’s ambition was to launch a high-quality and reliable vehicle that would be affordable to ordinary German people. In addition, the location of the assembly of the cars was of key importance: the high-tech plant was to personify the new Germany.
By 1937, the company “Gesellschaft zur
In 1939, two more models of this will allow us to attract visitors through two different channels cars with improv , characteristics began to be produc ,: V38s and V39s. But the beginning of World War II l , to a decrease in demand for mass-produc , cars. And then the brand began to produce estonia leads vehicles that could be us , to transport ammunition, fuel and evacuate wound , soldiers.
The post-war years were difficult for the company, but it manag , to stay on the market and increase its influence on the domestic market of Germany. For this purpose, a new company “Volkswagen-Finanzierungs-Gesellschaft GmbH” was creat ,, which was the first to start producing cars with a new type of body – limousines and convertibles.
The first Volkswagen logo
Volkswagen logo 1937
In 1937, the original black outline Volkswagen logo with blades was develop ,. The company us , it for 2 years.
The original Volkswagen logo is seen as a classic symbol of Nazi Germany. It is known that the emblem was chosen on a competitive basis. Ultimately, the decision on what the sign would be was made by Adolf Hitler. In the center of the Volkswagen logo, he plac , the combin , (superimpos ,) letters “V” and “W”. The resulting image was outlin , in a “ribb ,” circle, reminiscent of a gear. The outer segment of the emblem is four fan blades, similar to a swastika.