Business with a product service focus

A product/service-oriented business is one that is entirely focused on a specific product or group of products. As a result, all future products will be closely related to the initial product. The key to success for this type of business organization is finding as many categories of customers as possible who would like to purchase the product.

For example, if you were selling cookbooks you

Would look for as many categories of customers as possible who would buy your books.  taiwan telegram data These might include people who love to cook, community organizations that could use your book for fundraising, bookstores, wine lovers, cheese lovers, chocolate lovers, and so on.

Compare this to publishing cookbooks

just for professional chefs. Your market would be much more limited. Other than chefs and maybe a few foodies, you wouldn’t have an audience. Which means your business wouldn’t really be a product/service focused business.

2. Customer-oriented business.

A customer-centric business means exactly what its name suggests. Your business is  sault data focused on a specific group of customers.

For example, if you sell surfing courses… You focus your attention on developing as many products as possible that are in the area of ​​interest to surfers. Or like the same cookbooks, but already oriented, for example, to chefs and gourmets.

3. Business determined by the type of market.

A market-driven business is similar to a customer-driven business, but it reaches a wider range of customers.

For example, publishing materials for nurses is customer-focused. Publishing materials for the healthcare industry is market-focused. It covers a clearly defined group of customers, but within that group  why are social media images important there may be several different types of customers.

4. Business focused on the type of production.

A production-type-oriented business focuses on one or two production modes. For example, if you are in the business of selling educational videos for PC users, then your business is production-type-oriented.

All your products are presented on DVD discs (in this case, this is the production method you use for your products).

Perhaps live seminars would also make sense as a production method, but you want to limit your products to video format. You feel that you can establish a prominent position in this market segment and capture a major market share. This is a decision that is clearly based on a specific production method.

5. Business driven by marketing method.

This type of business is determined by the marketing method you want to focus on. A good example is when you decide to sell your products exclusively through catalogs. You want to develop products that are sold only through this method.

However, expensive seminars are not good products for the catalog. Such seminars are very difficult to sell within the limited space of the catalog. Seminars are most effectively sold through direct mail advertising followed by telemarketing. So, they are no longer suitable for your business.

Remember, one of the key benefits of your Strategic Focus is that it helps you decide what not to focus on, as well as what to focus on. If you hate personal selling, this will affect your choice of marketing method. Going back to the seminar example, if you didn’t like telesales, your marketing-driven business wouldn’t consider seminars as a product for you.

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