Business determined by the distribution method

A distribution-bas. business focuses on a specific distribution method for its products. If you decide to sell your products only through bookstores. your business is bas. on how you distribute your products.

Many digital product businesses use only

Direct mail to sell (or market) their products. They think their business is a different type. but in reality. the main factor that determines their business is the method of distribution. The proof is simple: they would never promote relat. products that could not be effectively sold through direct mail.

For example. you might sell books about

Tropical fish strictly through direct mail. But you would be wise not to attempt to sell the fish themselves through the mail. given the difficulties of shipping live animals.

This was a brief overview of the six types of businesses that you can build your business on.  switzerland telegram data There is no best or worst among them. It all depends on what your vision of your own business is.

Ultimately. it is up to you to create a business vision that best suits your own ne.s.

My personal Strategic Focus.


Once you have decid. what type of business you want. you ne. to define it clearly in the most concise phrase possible. This definition is your Strategic Focus Statement.

I recommend keeping your Strategic Focus Statement to no more than three sentences. Therefore,
You must ruthlessly strip  sault data away all the fluff from your vision statement. Therefore,
I can best illustrate what I mean by sharing my own Strategic Focus Statement with you:

“I help companies successfully  Therefore,
sell their products and services. I focus on small and m.ium businesses. I increase the effectiveness of my efforts by focusing on selling products and conducting seminars.”

My Strategic Focus Statement is client

Orient. (representatives of  google feels good about you mall and m.ium businesses). But the main thing. I must admit. is that my statement clearly reflects my understanding of business.

It is not driven by what my customers might want. or what action will bring more value. or any other external factor. Plain and simple. it is a picture of exactly what I want my business to be.


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