Blogger or WordPress? These are the main differences

By now you know what Blogger is and the main advantages of this Google service, right? Well, if you are a person informed about the world of technology and marketing, you probably know another blog manager: WordPress .

When we talk about blogs, Blogger or WordPress are the names that most people remember.

On the one hand, we have Blogger, a Google platform that has additional relevance, and on the other, WordPress, which currently has the largest market share among CMS .

Now, the question is: Blogger or WordPress? And to answer it, we have to consider different factors:

Ease of use

It is undeniable that both tools are very oman telegram data intuitive and simplified, however, there are marked differences between them.

For Blogger, simply log in with your Google account and press ” Create blog .” You can then choose the theme and title of your site, even with a free URL (

For WordPress, being a very popular service, the main hosts allow you to install it quickly. Then, you will have to configure it with more options available than Blogger and customize your site.

The main difference is that to access all the WordPress features you do need a little more time to familiarize yourself.

Site Management

When it comes to managing a website, Blogger learn 4 examples of biography and the characteristics of this type of text prioritizes simplicity, making it easy to add new pages with just a few clicks, but with some limitations on maintenance unless you’re an HTML pro .

For WordPress, creating web pages is just as simple as for Blogger but with more options, for example:

  • Plugins to add extra functionality.
  • Platform updates from the dashboard.
  • Modify the URL structure.
  • Configure site privacy.
  • Manage users.
  • Tools for importing content from other blogs.

If you are hesitating between choosing Blogger or WordPress and your priority is managing your sites, WordPress is the best option for you.

Overall performance

To talk about performance ba leads we have to base ourselves on two premises:

  • Average loading time .
  • Speed ​​of the site backend .

As for Blogger, it has an advantage over WordPress: it is a platform hosted within Google services, which means that loading time is never an issue.

For WordPress this does not mean that this causes sites to be slower, but since we are dealing with a self-hosted platform, performance depends largely on the hosting provider .


In the last section of this section we will discuss a crucial topic: site security and the protection of these two providers.

On the one hand, Blogger, being backed by Google, offers great security features but with the limitation that you have little control over them.

WordPress is more exposed to vulnerabilities, as it is a target platform for hackers . However, this CMS provides many protection options such as a defense shield created by its developers and computer security plugins.

At this point you’ve probably made up your mind whether to choose Blogger or WordPress for your blog.

Remember that one option or the other depends on your particular needs, as both are great alternatives for starting and managing your website.

How to get the most out of a Blogger blog?

Now that you know how to create a blog on Blogger, we will tell you about some tips to help you get the most out of this tool and, thus, lead your blog to success.


Make quality content

When we talk about Content Marketing, it is very common to hear that creating quality content is important. But, at the end of the day, what is quality content?

In addition to a well-written text, it is necessary that it be strategic, that is, that it be linked to the objective of your business, because the idea of ​​doing Digital Marketing is precisely to generate more and better results for your company, right?

Therefore, the first step in creating content is to define who your buyer persona is, that is, the fictional character that represents your ideal client.

Once you’ve created it, it becomes easier to know what topics you can talk about in posts and what language to use to attract an audience to your blog.

If you don’t know how to create a persona, this tool from Rock Content can help you.

Share the blog’s content on social networks

You don’t want to write posts just for your family and friends to read, because the main interest is that potential new clients do so.

So, to reach your audience, you need to promote them on social media and in email marketing messages .

Yes, every time you create a new blog post, promote it on the social networks where your audience is added.

Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn allow you to post links to each article to get your followers to click through and read the content.

In the case of Instagram , you can add the link to your blog or a specific post in the bio and invite followers to read it.

In addition to social media bringing more people to your blog, the increase in the number of visits also increases the authority of your domain and, consequently, your positioning in search engines like Google.

Choose a good template

As amazing and relevant as your content may be to your audience, a good template is essential.

In the end, just as some people don’t go into stores that don’t have pretty facades and interiors, the same applies to your blog.

Blogger has a series of templates that you can choose from when creating your blog.

And, if you want to change it at some point, that is also possible, without interfering with the basic structures, such as:

  • order of posts,
  • comments section
  • and calls to action, also known as CTAs .

Add links in each post

To turn texts into clients, you need to keep visitors on your blog for as long as possible.

Not only does this lower your bounce rate, but it also makes your audience see you as an authority in the field for your content.

And, to make visitors go through various posts on your blog, you should add links in each of them. However, you have to follow some good practices, for example:

  • add the most important link to your blog in the first paragraph of the text;
  • make use of both internal links (that lead to other posts on your blog) and external links (that lead to other relevant blogs or websites, as long as they do not belong to the competition);
  • make the CTAs in the last paragraph of some posts links to other posts so that readers continue reading blog articles.

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