Aware of the campaign’s engagement potential

The following drawing featured the same woman as the previous one, but from the neutral perspective of another person.

Finally, the artist called his subjects and showed them the two drawings side by side, revealing that the women portrayed felt ugly and stopped appreciating their own charms.

The campaign broke the internet, becoming the most viewed advertising video in the history of YouTube , with more than 114 million views aware of the campaign’s engagement.

The action also earned Dove the Titanium Grand Prix award at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival.

Old Spice : Example of interactive advertising

See this happy man with a can in his hand? His performance in an Old Spice campaign gave the men’s hygiene company a huge competitive advantage in the market.

The goal of the video was to reach out to couples and encourage women to buy Old Spice deodorants for their husbands instead of feminine-smelling products.

Apart from being a classic piece of advertising, in which the qualities of the product are directly presented, its creative and relaxed tone brought it great success on social networks.

Its creators decided to complement it with a very original experiment.

Just 60 hours after the launch of the action on YouTube , the marketing team had produced more than 180 micro videos, starring the friendly character.

These videos were posted as responses to comments from fans on many social networks, including Facebook , Twitter , and Reddit .

The campaign has given Old Spice a 107% increase in sales since its launch date.

To generate reflections on the need to pay attention to the passage of trains, the transport administration used creativity and a good dose of humor aware of the campaign’s engagement.

With a catchy chorus and a host of funny characters, the campaign gained enormous popularity around the world.

The campaign also received 28 awards at the Cannes Film Festival. As if that were not enough, its dissemination helped reduce deaths on the Australian subway by 21%.

Heineken: Worlds Apart

The most recent campaign on our list was chinese overseas british data launched by a company that has stood out for its good advertising actions.

In April 2017, Heineken released the video “ Worlds Apart ”, which managed to showcase its product and at the same time promote an important debate.

The Dutch company invited duos of people with opposing perspectives on controversial topics such as climate change, sexual diversity and political ideologies.

Without knowing their partner’s opinion on each matter, the guests had to collaborate with each other to put together a bar scene.

As they helped each other and got to know each  best marketplaces in india to sell your products online [2025] other better, each was challenged to contribute three values ​​they observed in the other.

The duos then got together to watch videos in which each presented their views on the controversial topics.

Although shocked by the surprise, the guests chose to chat openly while sharing a Heineken .

By standing firmly on polarizing issues aware of the campaign’s engagement, the brand gained online authority and garnered over 14 million views on YouTube .

Finally, the formula for success!

Did you spot anything these campaigns have in common? They were all planned to achieve good brand awareness.

Preparation is the secret to building true advertising examples. After all, producing content that expands the consumer base is not an easy task.

Do you want to learn how to produce content that converts users into customers? Then download our copywriting e – book !

However, publishing blog posts on your Facebook profile or placing an ad for your product on Instagram is not all.

Do you want to know everything you need to measure to improve your performance on social media? Then this article will sound good to you.

What information is useful in terms of metrics?

The most important thing to extract valuable information from social networks is to define your company’s objectives in these spaces.

If you want your brand to become more well-known online, it is important that many people see your content, that is, that it has a good reach.

However, if your intention is to double the number of sales of a product, knowing the number of people who clicked on your ad on Instagram will be more helpful aware of the campaign’s engagement.

So before diving into the ocean of information that social networks put at your disposal, choosing the company’s priorities is essential, my dear reader.

Which metrics tools are best for social media?

Your company doesn’t need to be on all social networks for your marketing strategy to be successful, but each one has its own particularities that can be useful to you.

At the same time, all these sites have one thing b2c fax in common: a web analytics tool, which allows you to monitor the results of any content you publish.

So don’t worry, you won’t be short of information. However, you can further improve your analysis by using a platform that organizes all the statistics.

There are many options out there, so how do you choose well? Make your selection based on the goals set out in your strategy. After deciding which metrics you will monitor, you will need to configure them in the tools you choose aware of the campaign’s engagement.

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