At this early stage, it is important not

Shop, or store files. to react emotionally and instead focus on minimizing the consequences. Save your money and data, protect your friends from scammers, regain control of your accounts – and generally reverse or at least stop the damage. We’ll tell you what steps to take. If you can’t log in at all In many

cases, users first learn they’ve

been hacked when they suddenly can’t log into their account. This is because in many cases, the first thing a hacker does is change the password, locking  Anhui Mobile Number List the victim out and taking full control of the compromised account. Don’t panic: There’s still a lot you can do.

Take a deep breath. It’s important



to get everything done quickly and prioritize your actions. Try resetting your password. If you act quickly enough, the attacker may not Albania Phone Number List have time to unlink your email from your account. Warn as many people as possible that your account has been hacked. Stay

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