So if we get the email


of an interested person, we will have earned many points.

As i said before, these people did not come here by chance (as many of my social media followers did).

That’s why you should take good care of your subscribers, since they will be your most loyal buyers .

3. Your subscribers want to hear from you

It’s not easy for someone to give you their email address just because they want to. Considering that it really bothers us when we. Receive emails that we haven’t given permission to send us anything.

Therefore, if someone voluntarily. Offers you their email, it is because they really. Want to know what you are offering. And you should take advantage of that.

4. More visits to your website
having a newsletter means that you are. Periodically updating your subscribers with information.

about your brand , and this in turn is generating sri lanka phone number library many visits to your website.

Web traffic, the interest you are generating and the constant updating of information is something that seo values ​​highly.

5. They can be segmented and personalized

a newsletter offers you the advantage i’m sure hundreds of times of easily segmenting and thus working simultaneously on different objectives by segment (men, women, age, country). This need arises because you do not always have the need to offer the same product to all your clients .

For example, if you decide to launch a product fb users aimed at men aged 30 to 40, in your newsletter you can segment your subscribers and send the message only to men of that age.

Closely linked to segmentation is personalization in each message.

Who doesn’t like being called by their name? Details like this or personalizing a newsletter taking into account each person’s tastes and preferences make the subscriber feel better about your brand.

6. Build trust
developing a strategy to get people to read you continuously, ultimately creates a relationship of trust and that is fantastic for building customer loyalty and achieving good results.

7. It can be measured
thanks to email marketing tools and existing newsletter creation systems, we can measure the impact of our emails.

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