we were surprised ourselves because we expected to spend 3 or 4 months wandering through the desert (normal in these cases), but google was kind to us and gave us the power of visits very early on.
Here is a new graph with the blog visits from may 2014 to may 2015 by week:
things are looking better, aren’t they?
We are positioning timeless keywords
the trick to achieve this is to stop making news posts and start making timeless posts , working on them so much that neither the user nor the search engine could say no.
I’ll give you a couple of examples so you can see what it means to have a post with timeless content:
the first example has to do with this post , one slovenia phone number library of the star products that our client sells in his store, after optimizing the post, the images, etc. (you will see that it is not a nasa thing, just common sense applied) we got this:
lots of recurring traffic!
The other example i want to show you i’m sure hundreds of times is just the opposite, instead of taking an already made post and optimizing it, we say we create a new post about something we had already talked about, making extensive, seo-friendly and user-friendly content.
I’m telling you about this other post , in case fb users you want to take a look at it.
The graph of visits is this one, by days since its publication, at the end of december 2014 until the end of may 2015.