Good intentions and lots of love
in addition to this, as we are a pretty cool team, we put a lot of love into the matter, we treated each piece of content with a lot of care and we did it really well, as things are.
The result of the increase in visits: “null”
but the blog was not taking off . In fact, it neither ended nor started, since the graph was really flat , i don’t know if that sounds familiar to you…
with traffic so stagnant and
the fatigue of 17 months of effort, we senegal phone number library soon began to think about different things and look for the reasons.
And what we found was that the blog wasn’t actually ranking for any interesting keywords , and when i say interesting i mean “one that brings you traffic every week of the year.”
in short to sum up the 500
words you have read in one sentence – we made the same mistake as everyone else, publishing and using social media without moderation , and that had to change…
2) the strategy we define
we can say that the strategy we defined to fb users increase visits to our client’s blog had four basic pillars, which i hope you will share:step 0: measure what happened
the first obligatory step was to really measure i’m sure hundreds of times what was happening , and as i mentioned a few lines ago, the problems were very clear.