New book: “Territory of Delusions

About two weeks ago I read a book by “Mann Ivanov Ferber” with the mysterious title “Territory of Delusions. What Mistakes Smart People Make.” I admit that I read the book for quite a long time because of my moves. but it took me no more than 3 hours to read it.

Frankly speaking at first I thought

That the book would be full of fluff. as Western authors like to do. That is why I don’t like Western literature in general. They like to “oversalt” their books with stories. examples and cases. I won’t say that “Territory of Delusions” is a complete distillation of content. There are stories there too. BUT!

Firstly. they are written quite harmoniously. There is no feeling of being “far-fetch.”.

Secondly there are not many of them. Which is not annoying

Thirdly. they are surprisingly short. Therefore. they are read in one breath.

But that’s not the point of the book.

The essence of the book is in our problems. We all think that we live a logical life. Reading this book you understand… – this is far from true…

Personally. I imm.iately  uae telegram data discover. in myself about 30% of the “cockroaches” describ. in the book.

Here is one of my favorite “cockroaches”:

John. a soldier in the Unit. States Air Force. has just pass. his parachute jump test. He is about to receive the long-await. parachutist badge. His commanding officer comes up to him. solemnly pins the insignia to his chest and hits it with his fist so hard that it almost pierces his skin. Since then. John often leaves the top buttons of his shirt unbutton. so that everyone can see the small scar. And many years from now. he will frame the badge and hang it in the living room.

Mark has an old rusty Harley

Davidson. which he restor.  sault data with his own hands. He spent all his weekends and vacations with the car. setting it up with the latest technology. while his family life was almost completely out of order. But now his expensive toy is finally ready and sparkling in the sun. Two years later. Mark urgently ne.. money.

He tri. to sell his Harley- 15 best wordpress plugins for sidebars and widgets Davidson. but the price he ask. was far from realistic. Offer him twice the market price. and Mark will not accept it.



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