To answer the question I pose in the title of this article, I have decided to take a real e-commerce case as an example.
To do this, throughout this post we will analyze a real case with a recently launched Ecommerce in the Fashion and Accessories sector (barely two months old) where, due to SEO , they are growing at a good pace and investing heavily in SEM and Marketplaces (for a rapid initial evolution).
But, as this is a new e-commerce, there is still a lot to do.
In fact, it has no branding, its visibility iraq email list is limited beyond the acquisition strategies that are being adopted and the overall conversion rate that started out low at 0.40% has risen in the last stage to 1.38% by adopting a better approach in terms of transparency and trust.
As I told you… there is still a lot of work to do given the short time of the project.
Although usability is essential when it comes rate in an e-commerce to conversion rate optimization, today I want us to focus on trust, reviewing one by one the main errors of this Ecommerce and how we solve them.
Optimize your e-commerce checkout
We often encounter somewhat with increased distractions attention spans may be cumbersome purchasing processes, shopping carts with several different steps, etc.
I always advise the same thing, a single interface for the entire purchasing process.
Taking advantage of the fact that this ecommerce is on PrestaShop, we installed the One Step Checkout addon and optimized it in three vertical columns: the first for customer data, the second for the payment and shipping method, and the third, with the order summary and confirmation.
Optimizing the shopping cart in maldivian lads this way is in itself a guarantee of increasing the conversion rate.
Strengths should always be visible in the foreground and background.
This business has three strong points: fast rate in an e-commerce delivery, free shipping and a personalized gift with every purchase.
The problem they had was basic, they did not show themselves with sufficient power.
To solve this problem, we worked on three banners, one for each strong point, and placed them on the front page.
But this was not enough, because a high percentage of traffic went directly to the product page and did not see the banners.