Mass media emerge as the perfect complement to disseminate, on a massive level and without
discrimination of audience, any important or relevant message regarding your Digital Marketing strategy .
Over time, technological advances have been present in the way in which people’s needs have been
met, and it is a palpable reality that the Internet marked the end of one era and the beginning of
another in terms of how to meet these needs.
From the beginning, selling products or services in order to provide solutions to people’s demands
has been achieved thanks to a good advertising strategy, and it cannot be a good advertising strategy
if the relevant information channels are not used.
Continue reading to learn more about mass media!
What are mass media?
The mass media are means of communication netherlands telegram data that aim to deliver
information to as many people as possible simultaneously .
It can be said that the first mass media was the written press (newspaper), then radio, later television
and finally the Internet.
The mass media are characterized by having 3 fundamental objectives towards their audience:
- educate her,
- inform her,
- and provide entertainment.
In other words, this means that the influence of these media has social and economic purposes.
What influence has digital transformation had on mass media?
The era of digital transformation has what are the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur? marked a before and after in the way in which information is obtained and managed, which has had a
direct influence on the functioning of mass media.
An example where we can see this change is in the emergence of Big Data as a way that organizations
have had to adopt in order to be successful, and the mass media is not far behind.
With more efficient management of information, today’s mass media conduct data analysis to see
what information is of greatest interest to their audiences and thus have a better receptivity. This way
of doing journalism is known as data journalism .
Another important point to mention ba leads is that the Internet and digital transformation
are practically linked , both have marked a turning point in the way of transmitting this
Print media, television and radio have had to change the way they deliver information to users and adapt to the digital world.