What is Newsjacking and how can you apply it?

Like everything in life, marketing has had to evolve and adapt to current trends.

Consumers behave differently and as a result, some advertising strategies have become obsolete and new and better ones have emerged, like the one we want to show you.

From a literal point of view, Newsjacking translates as “news kidnapping” and in practice it is a Digital Marketing technique that uses relevant news and developments to spread or expose a brand or product.

What is the process for creating a Newsjacking?


1. Look for the latest news

The first thing is that you must pay attention qatar telegram data to everything that happens around you, in order to find news that is very relevant to Internet and social media users.

For example, a concert, the end of a sports championship, a political event or any event that attracts public attention.

2. Find the connection between the news and your brand

Next, you need to create and publish learn about this concept and what benefits it brings to companies content that echoes this event and includes a message from the brand. For example, a point of view on an event, products or services that resemble what happened.

Be creative and quick to keep your timing, and also be very careful with the tone you give. Being moderate can prevent users from rejecting your post.

3. Help it reach the hands of those who can spread it

So the content is disseminated, but ba leads not by one’s own hand; it must be the news agencies that do this work.

How? Well, since it is a current event, many journalists will surely be covering the news and some will want a different approach to it. Therefore, it is advisable to make it easier for professionals to have access to such content (we will explain how below).

Now, you’re probably wondering what this technique brings to your Inbound Marketing strategy . If so, don’t go away!

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What are the advantages of Newsjacking?

The benefits of using Newsjacking are simple:

  • make content go viral and reach thousands or hundreds of thousands of users;
  • increase traffic to your website;
  • gain a large number of followers on your social networks;
  • increase the number of leads, add users to an Email Marketing campaign , among others.

So, Newsjacking is a technique that serves to generate visits and traffic to your social platforms and website. This triggers the possibility of getting in touch with users interested in your products or services.

Now that you know the step-by-step process for creating it and the advantages of applying it to your Inbound Marketing strategy, you need to know what is behind the development of Newsjacking , that is, the Know How.

Newsjacking Best Practices


Learning to identify relevant news

The most important thing is to find an event that is really important to the masses, that is related to your brand and that is of interest to your buyer persona .

For this, it is necessary to carry out research and study some data:

  • concerns of users within the environment in which the brand is located;
  • upcoming events and which ones can be useful for spreading the brand;
  • follow current information sources such as media, news agencies, bloggers, among others;
  • Search and analyze the most popular trends of the moment. Research trending topics on Twitter, enter keywords in Google Trends to see the level of searches or YouTube Trends Map to find out which videos are gaining notoriety on the platform.

It is important to measure social conversion in matters related to politics, religion or economics. This is dangerous territory.

This way you will know what is being talked about on the Internet at any given time, you will be able to “catch” a news story that is trending and take advantage of the wave of public attention that is being given to it.

Get journalists and influencers interested in your content

Once the material is ready, the important step is to get it to the eyes of those who can spread it more quickly and effectively.

Today, journalists and influencers have the platforms and audiences to make content go viral and be exposed to thousands or even millions of people.

Some tips you can follow to achieve this level of diffusion are:

  • Posting on your blog and online newsroom : Google and other search engines index in real time, which could benefit you and position your content in search results.
  • Alert the media : It is a good idea to send a notification or alert to the media when uploading material to the online press room so that they are aware.
  • Offer online statements for journalists and influencers : Sometimes content broadcasters are not available to view or listen to your material. Posting an online conference for them allows them to view it at a later time.
  • Make direct contact : This is perhaps the easiest way to ensure your content reaches them. This can be done through Twitter or some other platform where they are connected, such as instant messaging or email.

With any of these means you can increase the chances that your material will be seen by these professionals and content creators and that they can help you effectively apply Newsjacking .

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That’s all!

Newsjacking is a wonderful technique to position and expose your brand in front of thousands of people on the web and social networks.

Remember, you need to be quick, creative, use communication resources to please your audience and be careful with your tone when dealing with sensitive topics.

If you learn to apply it effectively, you will attract many users to your social platforms, website and blog. This will increase the number of visitors and the chances of conversion.

What are you waiting for?

Oh! One more thing. We would like to invite you to follow us on our Instagram and LinkedIn profiles , where we constantly upload very interesting content on digital topics and marketing strategies. Don’t miss it!

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