The essence of the brand

This character that is created must represent the brand in the language that is used, as well as in the content that is published by the company.

Whenever a person interacts with your brand, they have the feeling of not talking to a company, but to a character itself. This is what brand persona is about: communication and the feeling that your product or service generates .

Do you want to know its importance, how it is built and the difference with the buyer persona already discussed in this blog ? Keep reading!

Why is it important to know about her?

Nowadays, companies have begun to advertising data interact with their users in a way never seen before. The information age has brought with it changes in the way a company or brand communicates with its users.

This concept is important for several reasons, especially to convey three things:

It is basically the way the public sees the brand, what they relate to it or what they think about when they have some kind of contact with the company. They are usually just a few words that define a general context; however, do not forget that each person has their own perception based on their experience. To give you several examples:

  • Disney: Family Fun and Entertainment
  • Apple: Exclusive connectivity ecosystem

The brand promise

  • How: Verbs are generally used in the infinitive to generate a call to action for people, it is the effect of your product or service on the public’s life. It is normal to see “enjoy, transform, help, teach”
  • What: The singular objective of your company’s action, where it wants to get to after the effect generated in the previous sentence, for example: “people’s lives, family moments, the first day of school”


Brand Mission

It is a specific statement of the company’s objective. By this I don’t mean the mission of your company, but the mission of the product or service for each person.

How to build it?

The process for creating a brand persona different types of shipping modes should include the entire team in charge of your company’s image and should consider the following aspects:

  • Tone of voice used (take demographics into account).
  • Words that have different meanings depending on the audience.
  • Ways of arguing (important on social networks ).
  • Quotes and authors that represent the segment the essence of the brand.

 By this I mean not only the process but also the unification of a concept such as a virtual character, a mascot, etc.

Differences between brand and buyer persona

 Below, I will show you the main differences between these two concepts that encompass different processes within your company.


  • The buyer persona is the personification of someone within the target audience of your product or service and will give you guidelines for the different strategies to use in order to attract them to your brand, engage with them and convert them into a customer. This is your ideal customer personified as someone with consumer habits, social media behavior, and needs and challenges.
  • The brand persona is extremely useful to define your brand image , and to standardize the way in which your company will communicate with people.
  • The buyer persona will be crucial to aligning your company’s Marketing and Sales teams. Salespeople are the ones who know the profile of the clients that come to you, but also the ideal one, according to the company’s results.


Both the brand persona and the buyer persona are crucial for your Digital Marketing strategy. It is not about focusing on just one, but rather b2c fax recognizing the stages of the process in which each will be implemented .

Although each one takes some work to create, in the end you will see the rewards when you not only have identified the audience with which you will relate more efficiently, but you also communicate with them in a way that identifies your brand.

If you want to know more about buyer personas, such as their reason for being, their development and implementation, don’t miss this incredible ebook that we have prepared for you.

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